Dienstag, 27. November 2012

Delta rose to a crouch

�? Delta rose to a crouch, the machine pistol in his hand, yanking the assassin up beside him. It was time; the chaos was complete. The swirling gas in front of the shattered french doors was being sucked in by the heat of the flames; it would dissipate sufficiently for him to make headway. Once inside, his search would be quick, over in moments. The directors of a covert operation that required a sterile house in foreign territory would stay within the protective confines of the house itself for two reasons. The first was that the size and disposition of the attacking force could not be accurately estimated and the risk of capture or death outside was too great. The second was more practical: Papers had to be destroyed, burnt not shredded, as they had learned in Teheran. Directives, dossiers, operational progress reports, background materials, all had to go. The sirens in Victoria Peak were growing louder, nearer, the frantic race up the steep roads was nearly over.
'It's the countdown,' said Bourne, setting the timer on the last plastique explosive. 'I'm not giving this to you, but I'll use it to advantage - both yours and mind.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows.. Thirty seconds, Major Allcott-Price. ' Jason arced the packet as far as he could towards the right front wall. 'My weapon!. For Christ's sake give me the gun!' 'It's on the ground. Under my foot. ' The assassin lurched down. 'Let go of it!' 'When I want to - and I will want to. But if you try to take it, the next thing you'll see is a cell in the Hong Kong garrison, and - according to you - a scaffold, a thick rope and a hangman in your immediate future. '
The killer looked up in panic . 'You goddamned liar! You lied!
'Frequently. Don't you?'
'You said-'
'I know what I said.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below.. I also know why you're here, and why instead of nine shells, you have three. '
- 'What?'
'You're my diversion, Major. When I let you free with the gun, you'll head for the gate or a blown-out section of the wall - whichever, it's your choice. They'll try to stop you. You'll fire back, naturally, and while they concentrate on you, I'll get inside.'
'You bastard!'
'My feelings are hurt, but then I don't have feelings any longer, so it doesn't matter. I simply have to get inside-'
The last explosion blew up a sculptured tree, its roots smashing into a weakened section of the wall, stones falling out of place, the wall itself half crumbling, splitting rocks forming a V at the centre of secondary impact. Marines from the gate contingent rushed forward.
Wow!' roared Delta, rising to his full height.
'Give me the gun! Let go of it!'
Jason Bourne suddenly froze. He could not move - except that by some instinct or other he crashed his knee up into the killer's throat, sending the assassin over on his side.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02. A man had appeared beyond the shattered glass doors of the burning foyer. A handkerchief covered his face, but it could not cover his limp. His limp! With his club foot the silhouetted figure kicked down the left frame of the french doors and awkwardly walked down the three steps to the short flagstone patio fronting the once stately gardens. He dragged himself forward and yelled as loud as he could, ordering the guards who could hear him to hold their fire. The figure did not have to lower his handkerchief, Delta knew the face. It was the face of his enemy. It was Paris, a cemetery outside Paris. Alexander Conklin had come to kill him. Beyond-salvage was the order from on high.

Montag, 26. November 2012

Earl Aspitis

  "Oh, no, Earl Aspitis!" she said breathlessly, looking for a spot to put her wine goblet down so she could pick up her knife. She noticed that the cup was empty. Aspitis saw her look and leaned forward with the ewer.  
As she picked at her food, Apitis talked. As if in apology for his earlier interrogation, he kept his conversation airy as swansdown, speaking mostly of odd or silly things that happened at the Nabbanai court. To hear him talk, it was quite a glittering place. He told stones well and soon had her laughing-in fact, with the rocking of the ship and the walls of the small, lamplit cabin pressing in upon her, she began to wonder if she was laughing too much. The whole thing felt rather dreamlike. She was having difficulty keeping her eyes squarely on Aspitis' smiling face.   
As she suddenly realized that she could no longer see the earl at all, a hand came to rest lightly upon her shoulder: Aspitis was behind her, still talking about the ladies of the court. Through the wine fumes that filled her head, she could feel his touch, weighty and hot.  
"...It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows..But of course their beauty is that rather ...arranged beauty, if you know what I mean, Marya. I do not mean to be cruel, but sometimes when Duchess Nessalanta is caught in a breeze, the powder flies off her like snow from a mountaintop!" Aspitis' hand squeezed gently, then moved to her other shoulder as he altered his stance. On the way, his fingers trailed gently across the nape of her neck. She shuddered. "Do not misunderstand me," he said, "I would defend to the death the honor and beauty of our courtly Nabbanai women-but in my heart there is nothing so fine as the unimproved loveliness of a country girl." His hand moved to her neck again, the touch delicate as a thrush's wing. "You are such a beauty. Lady Marya I am so pleased to have met you. I had forgotten what it was to see a face that needed no embellishment ..The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below..."  
The room spun. Miriamele abruptly straightened and her elbow toppled the wine cup. A few drops like blood pooled on her hand towel. "I must go outside," she said. "1 must have some air."  
"My lady," Aspitis said, concern plain in his voice, "are you ill? I hope it is not my poor table that has offended your gentle constitution."  
She waved a hand, trying to placate him, wanting only to be out of the glaring lamplight and the stiflingly warm, perfumed air. "No, no. I just want to go outside."  
"But there is a storm, my lady. You would be soaked. I can't allow it.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02."   
She stumbled a few steps toward the door. "Please. I'm ill."  
The earl shrugged helplessly. "Let me at least get you a warm cloak that will keep out most of the damp." He clapped for his pages, who were trapped with the unpleasant squire in the tiny room that served as both larder and kitchen. One of the pages began to go through a large chest in search of an appropriate garment while Miriamele stood by miserably. She was at last outfitted in a musty-smelling wool cloak with a hood, Aspitis, similarly dressed, took her elbow and guided her up onto the deck.  
The wind was blowing in earnest. Torrents of rain sliced down, turning to cascades of sparkling gold as they passed through the guttering lamplight, then vanishing back into blackness. Thunder drummed.

Sonntag, 25. November 2012

David had no specific plan

�? David had no specific plan, but he knew vaguely what he had to do, for there was no other way of doing it. He walked down the corridor rapidly past the elevators, and ran the remaining distance to his room. He let himself inside and picked up the bedside telephone, pressing the digits he had committed to memory.
'Concierge's desk,' said a pleasant voice which did not sound Oriental; it was probably Indian.
'Am I speaking to the concierge?' asked Webb. - 'You are, sir. '
'Not one of his assistants?'
'I'm afraid not. Is there a specific assistant you wished to speak with? Someone resolving a problem, perhaps?'
'No, I want to talk to you,' said David quietly. 'I have a situation that must be handled in the strictest confidence.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows.. May I count on yours? I can be generous. '
'You are a guest in the hotel?'
'I am a guest . '
'And there is nothing untoward involved, of course. Nothing that would damage the establishment . '
'Only enhance its reputation for aiding cautious businessmen who wish to bring trade to the territory. A great deal of trade. '
'I am at your service,,, sir. '
It was arranged that a Daimler limousine with the most experienced driver available would pick him up in ten minutes at the ramped courtyard drive on Salisbury Road.
The concierge would be standing by the car and for his confidence would receive two hundred dollars American, roughly fifteen hundred dollars Hong Kong.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below.. There would be no individual's name assigned to the rental - which was to be paid in cash for twenty-four hours - only the name of a firm picked at random. And 'Mr Cruett', escorted by a floor boy, could use a service elevator to the Regent's lower level where there was an exit that led to the New World Centre with its direct access to the pick-up on Salisbury Road.
The amenities and the cash disposed of, David climbed into the back seat of the Daimler; he was encouraged to confront the lined, tired face of a uniformed middle-aged driver whose weary expression was only partially leavened by a strained attempt to be pleasant.
'Welcome, sir! My name is Pak-fei, and I shall endeavour to be of excellent service to you! You tell me where, and I take you. I know everything!'
'I was counting on that,' said Webb softly.
'I beg your words, sir?'
'Wo bushi luke,' said David, stating that he was not a tourist . 'But as I haven't been here in years,' he continued in Chinese, 'I want to reacquaint myself. How about the normal, boring tour of the island and then a quick trip through Kowloon? I have to be back in a couple of hours or so.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02... And from here on, let's speak English. '
'Ahh! Your Chinese is very good - very high class, but I understand everything you say. Yet only two zhongtou.'
'Hours,' interrupted Webb . 'We're speaking English, remember, and I don't want to be misunderstood. But these two hours and your tip, and the remaining twenty-two hours and that tip, will depend on how well we get along, won't it?'

But it was his first fishing day of the year

But it was his first fishing day of the year, and the casting rod felt good in his hand as he gave it a gentle swing toward a ripple on the calm surface of the Chesapeake Bay. A blue or a rockfish? Whatever it was, it didn't nibble at his Bucktail lure. But there was no hurry.
"Coffee, Bob?"
"Thanks, Pop." Robert Toland set his rod in its holder and leaned back into the midships swivel chair of his Boston Whaler Outrage. His father-in-law, Edward Keegan, held out the plastic cup-cap from a large thermos jug. Bob knew the coffee would be good. Ned Keegan was a former naval officer who appreciated a good cup, preferably flavored with brandy or Irish whiskey-something to open the eyes and put a fire in the belly.
"Cold or not, damn if it ain't nice to get out here." Keegan sipped at his cup, resting one foot on the bait box. It wasn't just the fishing, both men agreed, getting out on the water was one sure cure for civilization.
"Be nice if the rock really are coming back, too," Toland observed.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows..
"What the hell-no phones."
"What about your beeper?"
"I must have left it with my other pants." Keegan chuckled. "DIA will have to manage without me today."
"Think they can?"
"Well, the Navy did." Keegan was an academy graduate who had put in his thirty and retired to become a double-dipper. In uniform, he'd been an intelligence specialist, and now he had essentially the same job, which added civil service salary to his pension.
Toland had been a lieutenant (j.g.) serving aboard a destroyer based at Pearl Harbor when he'd first noticed Martha Keegan, a junior at the University of Hawaii, majoring in psychology and minoring in surfing. They'd been happily married for fifteen years now.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below..
"So." Keegan stood and lifted his rod. "How are things at the Fort?"
Bob Toland was a middle-level analyst at the National Security Agency. He'd left the Navy after six years when the adventure of uniformed service had palled, but he remained an active reservist. His work at NSA dovetailed nicely with his naval reserve service. A communications expert with a degree in electronics, his current job was monitoring Soviet signals gathered by the NSA's numerous listening posts and ferret satellites. Along the way he'd also gotten a masters in the Russian language.
"Heard something real interesting last week, but I couldn't convince my boss it meant anything."
"Who's your section chief?"
"Captain Albert Redman, U.S. Navy.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02." Toland watched a bay-built fishing boat motoring a few miles away, her captain laying out his crab pots. "He's an asshole."
Keegan laughed. "You want to be careful saying stuff like that out loud, Bob, especially seeing how you go on active duty next week. Bert worked with me, oh, must have been fifteen years ago. I had to slap him down a few times. He does tend to be slightly opinionated."
"Opinionated?" Toland snorted. "That bastard's so friggin' narrow-minded his scratch pads are only an inch wide! First there was this new arms control thing, then I came up with something really unusual last Wednesday and he circular-filed it. Hell, I don't know why he even bothers looking at new data-he made his mind up five years ago."

Samstag, 24. November 2012

But there was no turning back now

�? But there was no turning back now, and CIA was competent enough that KGB feared it, and didn't that mean that he was in good hands?
Then he remembered one other thing he had to do today. In his drawer was a pad of contact reports. Mary had suggested he report their meeting, and so he did. He described her as pretty, in her late twenties or early thirties, mother of a fairly nice little son, and none too bright-very American in mannerisms, he wrote-with modest language skills, good vocabulary but poor syntax and pronunciation, which made her Russian understandable but stilted. He didn't make an evaluation of her likelihood to be an intelligence officer, which, he figured, was the smart thing to do. After fifteen minutes of writing, he walked it over to the department security officer.
"This was a waste of time," he said, handing it to the man, a captain passed over for promotion twice.
The security officer scanned it. "Where did you meet her?"
"It's right there." He pointed to the contact form.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows.. "I took my zaichik for a walk in the park, and she showed up with her little boy. His name is Eddie, actual name is evidently Edward Edwardovich-Edward Junior, as the Americans say it-age four, I think she said, a nice little boy. We talked a few minutes about not very much, and the two of them walked away."
"Your impression of her?"
"If she is a spy, then I am confident of the victory of socialism," Zaitzev replied. "She is rather pretty, but far too skinny, and not overly bright. What I suppose is a typical American housewife."
"Anything else?"
"It's all there, Comrade Captain. It took longer to write that up than it did to speak with her."
"Your vigilance is noted, Comrade Major.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below.."
"I serve the Soviet Union." And Zaitzev headed back to his desk. It was a good idea on her part, he thought, to cross this t so assiduously. There might have been a shadow on her, after all, and if not, then there would be a new entry in her KGB file, reported by a KGB officer, certifying that she was no threat to world socialism.
Back at his desk, he returned to making extra-careful mental notes of his daily work. The more he gave CIA, the better he'd be paid. Maybe he would take his daughter to that Disney Planet amusement park, and maybe his little zaichik would enjoy herself there. His signals included other countries, too, and he memorized those as well. One code-named MINISTER in England was interesting.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02. He was probably in their Foreign Ministry, and provided excellent political/diplomatic intelligence that they loved upstairs.
Foley took an embassy car for the drive to the British Embassy. They were cordial enough once he showed his ID, and Nigel came down to meet him in the grand foyer, which was indeed quite grand.
"Hello, Ed!" He gave a hearty handshake and a smile. "Come this way." They went up the marble stairs and then right to his office. Haydock closed the door and pointed him to a leather chair.
"What can I do for you?"
"We got a Rabbit," Foley said, skipping the preliminaries.

Freitag, 23. November 2012

Another helicopter landed close by

Another helicopter landed close by. The paratroop general got out and came over.
"Good to see you alive."
"Thank you, Comrade General. You are continuing the search?"
"Yes. I have detailed two helicopters to the task. What happened?"
"The Americans staged a raid with heavy bombers. We never saw them, but we could tell from the jamming. They had fighters mixed in with them. The bombers fled when we approached." The Air Force colonel tried to put the best face on it, and the General did not press him. This was an exposed post, and such things were expected.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows.. The MiGs could hardly have ignored the American raid. There was no point in punishing this man.
The General had already radioed for more fighters, though he didn't expect any. The plan said they would not be necessary, but the plan had also said his division had to hold the island unsupported for only two weeks. By that time Germany was supposed to be fully defeated, and the land war in Europe mainly over. He received reports from the front that were mere embellishments of the news on Radio Moscow. The Red Army was driving on the Rhein-and they'd been driving on the Rhein since the first day of the damned war! The names of the cities under daily attack were strangely left out. His intelligence chief was risking his life by listening in on Western radio broadcasts-the KGB regarded it as a disloyal act-in order to get an idea of how the fighting was going. If Western reports were true-he didn't really believe them either-the campaign in Germany was a bloody mess. Until that was over, he was vulnerable.
Would NATO try to invade? His operations officer said it was impossible unless the Americans were able to destroy the long-range bombers flying out of Kirovsk first, and the whole point of seizing Iceland had been to prevent the American carriers from moving to a position from which they could do just that.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below.. On paper, then, the General expected only increased air attacks, and he had surface-to-air missiles to defend against those. But he hadn't become a divisional commander by merely shuffling papers.

"What the hell happened?" The captain looked up to see a tube stuck in his arm. The last thing he remembered was being on the bridge halfway through the afternoon watch. Now the porthole on the starboard side of his stateroom was covered. Darkened ship: it was night outside.
"You passed out, Captain," the chief hospital corpsman said. "Don't-"
The captain tried to rise. His head made it about eighteen inches off the pillow when his strength gave way.
"You have to rest. You got internal bleeding, skipper.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02. You threw up blood last night. I think it's a perforated ulcer. You scared the hell outa me last night. Why didn't you come see me?" The chief held up a bottle of Maalox tablets. People gotta be so damned smart about everything. "Your blood pressure's down twenty points and you durned near went into shock on me. This ain't no bellyache you got, Captain. You might have to have surgery. There's a helo on the way out now to medevac you to the beach."

Donnerstag, 22. November 2012


 "Mr. Donald!" 
Donald stepped from the darkness. "I'm Gregory Donald." 
Hwan moved quickly to his side. He didn't know who else might be a target today, and was taking no chances. 
"Sir," said the man, "there's a message for you at the Embassy." 
"'An enemy of the Bismarck,' I was told to say." 
"Hood," he said to Hwan. "I was expecting that. Maybe he has some information." 
As the men approached the car, the young Embassy official reached down and popped the electric door lock. 
"Sir, I was also told to see to Mrs. Donald. Is there anything she needs? Perhaps she'd like to come with us?" 
Donald pressed his lips together and shook his head; then his knees gave out and he fell against the side of the car, his arms folded beneath his chest.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows.. 
"He'll be all right," Hwan said, and waved for the young man to sit. He put an arm around his friend's waist and helped him up. "You will be, Gregory." 
Donald nodded as he stood. 
"I'll notify you there when we come up with something." 
A somber Hwan opened the door and Donald slid into the car. 
"Do me a favor, Kim?" 
"Soonji loved the Embassy and she admired the Ambassador. Don't-don't let her go there. Not the way she was. I'll phone General Savran. Would you see that"-he breathed deeply-"that she gets to the base?" 
"I will." 
Hwan shut the door and the car drove off.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below.. It was quickly swallowed by the confusion of honking cars, buses, and trucks, the thick evening rush hour made worse by vehicles detoured from around the Palace. 
"God be with you, Gregory," he said, then glanced toward the red sun. "I can't be with him, Soonji, so please-look after him." 
Turning, Hwan walked back into the alley and looked down at the footprints. The shadows were more pronounced now in the slanting rays of the setting sun. 
But there was one thing more, and it bothered him more than the too-convenient presence of the bottle and boot prints. 
After telling the guard at the basement window to inform Choi that he'd gone to his office, Hwan hurried back to his car, wondering just how far Director Yung-Hoon would be willing to go to break this case....  

Tuesday, 5:55 A.M., Washington, D.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02.C.  

As soon as he was in his car, Hood phoned Op-Center and told his Executive Assistant, Stephen "Bugs" Be-net, to start the countdown clock at twenty-four hours. That was something Liz Gordon had suggested: studies showed that most people work better with deadlines, something to shoot for. The clock was a constant reminder that although you had to run a marathon, really pour it on, there was an end in sight.  

It was one of the few things on which Hood and Liz agreed.  

As Bugs was telling Hood that Gregory Donald had been located and was being brought to the Embassy on Sejongno, just two blocks from the Palace, the Director's personal cellular phone rang. Telling Bugs he'd be there in fifteen minutes, Hood hung up and answered the phone. 
"Paul, it's me." 
Sharon. He heard a ping in the background and muffled voices. She wasn't at home.

But they used it to kill people

�? "But they used it to kill people."
"What do you think intel is for, Jack? What should they have done? No, answer this first: what if they were foreign nationals who had murdered French nationals in -- in Liechtenstein, say, and then boogied back to their base?"
"That's not the same thing. That's more . . . more like an act of war -- like doing the guards at the camp. The people they were after were their own citizens who committed crimes in their own country, and -- and are subject to French law."
"And what if it had been a different camp? What if those paratroopers had done a job for us, or the Brits, and taken out your ULA friends?"
"That's different!" Ryan snapped back. But why? he asked himself a moment later. "It's personal.It would be dope for a nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vii-c-26.html">nike zoom kobe vii Brand golf capsule to release, so for the golfers out there - would you consider using Jordan Brand gold apparel, or would you stick with the more proven brands like Titleist, Mizuno, and the likes?Photos: aaronknows.. You can't expect me to feel the same way about that."
"Can't I?" Cantor hung up the phone.
Ryan stared at the telephone receiver for several seconds before replacing it in the cradle. What was Marty trying to tell him? Jack reviewed the events in his own mind, trying to come to a conclusion that made sense.
Did any of it make sense? Did it make sense for political dissidents to express themselves with bombs and machine guns? Did it make sense for small nations to use terrorism as a short-of-war weapon to change the policies of larger ones? Ryan grunted. That depended on which side of the issue you were on -- or at least there were people who thought that way. Was this something completely new?
It was, and it wasn't. State-sponsored terrorism, in the form of the Barbary pirates, had been America's first test as a nation. The enemy objective then had been simple greed.The colorway and that midsole detailing furthers the connection this model shares with Class of '89 peer nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-kobe-vi-c-25.html">nike zoom kobe vi IV (whose legendary 'Bred' OG hits on Friday), and you can see more photos after the jump below.. The Barbary states demanded tribute before they would give right of passage to American-flag trading ships, but it had finally been decided that enough was enough. Preble took the infant U.S. Navy to the Mediterranean Sea to put an end to it -- no, to put an end to America's victimization by it, Jack corrected himself.
God, it was even the someplace, Ryan thought. "To the shores of Tripoli," the Marine Hymn said, where First Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon, USMC, had attacked the fort at Derna. Jack wondered if the place still existed. Certainly the problem did.
The violence hadn't changed.29 The black and Metallic Silver?nike">http://www.2012cheapairjordan.com/nike-zoom-hyperpe2012-c-23.html">nike zoom hyperpe2012 V Retro?has gotten more than its fair share of love in recent years, so it's time to bring back some of the white Fives to balance out the OG distribution.czfnk02. What had changed were the rules under which the large nations acted, and the objectives of their enemies. Two hundred years earlier, when a small nation offended a larger one, ships and troops would settle matters. No longer was this simple wog-bashing, though. The smaller countries now had arsenals of modern weapons that could make such punitive expeditions too expensive for societies that had learned to husband the lives of their young men. A regiment of troops could no longer settle matters, and moving a whole army was no longer such a simple thing. Knowing this, the small country could inflict wounds itself, or even more safely, sponsor others to do so -- "deniably" -- in order to move its larger opponent in the desired direction. There wasn't even much of a hurry. Such low-level conflict could last years, so small were the expenditures of resources and so different the perceived value of the human lives taken and lost.

Montag, 19. November 2012

Review Breaking Dawn Part 2 is freaky fun

Review: 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' is freaky fun By Tom Charity, special to November 16, 2012 -- Updated 1349 GMT (2149 HKT) "Breaking Dawn --- Part 2" is the fifth and final Twilight filmCritic says movie is "easily the freakiest film in the saga, and the most fun"Bill Condon returns to direct as he did the last movie

() -- The story so far: Northwest teen Bella Swan falls in love with Edward Cullen, a mysteriously aloof, fair-skinned but exceedingly well-educated young man who confesses to being a "vegetarian" vampire.

This bums out Bella's best friend, Jacob, who has always carried a torch for her, and who has a natural aversion to vampires, being a werewolf himself. Despite his better (and worse) instincts, Edward is smitten, and eventually he agrees to marry her.

At the end of "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" she gives birth to their half-human child, but nearly dies during labor. In order to save Bella's life, Edward has to "turn" his bride into an immortal -- which is what she wanted all along.

Still with us? "Breaking Dawn - Part 2," the fifth and final film in "The Twilight Saga" begins with Bella waking up to enjoy her freshly sharpened senses, her attractive red eyes and vampiric super-strength. And the first, most pressing question on everybody's mind is this: Will she eat the baby?

Edward whisks her off into the woods to quench her thirst, where the question becomes: will Bella eat Bambi? And then a third time: will she eat the anonymous climber scaling a sheer rock face oblivious to the real danger he is in?

Teen movies have sure come a long way since "The Breakfast Club." Back then, all we wanted was to find common ground and fit in. Mind you, once her sanguinary and carnal appetites have been satisfied, assimilation is also Bella's main concern.

It exhibits along the lines of: what to tell dad? And what to do about the wolfboy who has marked out her newborn -- but fast-growing -- daughter as his intended? ("You nicknamed my baby after the Loch Ness monster?!")

It has taken this series a long time to line up its dominoes, but "Breaking Dawn -- Part 2" is easily the freakiest film in the saga, and the most fun.

Before we're done there will be a virtual United Nations of vampire delegates -- associates from the North, from Amazonia, the Middle East, from Ireland and, yes, Transylvania, converging on Forks and getting a chance to bond with baby Cullen before the ultimate showdown with their eminences, the Volturi.

These cloaked archvillains have been waiting in the wings so long it's a wonder they haven't taken off, but at last Michael Sheen's got the chance to act -- show these young pretenders how it's done -- and he doesn't waste a single voluptuous syllable. In one extraordinary moment he lets rip with what can only be described as a squeal. It's a performance Christopher Walken would love, and Nic Cage could only envy -- there can be no higher praise.

The battle, when it comes, is exciting and almost ludicrously grisly. Heads duly roll. Even Twi-haters (maybe especially Twi-haters) will enjoy the kind of carnage normally associated with the worst excesses of the French Revolution.

Directed, like the last film, by Bill Condon, and not at all ashamed of wearing its big pulpy heart on its sleeve, "BDP2" is enjoyably demented, a rousing curtain call and quite enough to tide us over until Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" reaches our screens next March.

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Myanmar says Obama to visit later this month

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) President Barack Obama will make a groundbreaking visit later this month to Myanmar, an official said Thursday, following through with his policy of rapprochement to encourage democracy in the Southeast Asian nation.

The Myanmar official speaking from the capital, Naypyitaw, said Thursday that security for a visit on Nov. 18 or 19 had been prepared, but the schedule was not final. He asked not to be named because he was not authorized to give information to the media.

The official said Obama would meet with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as well as government officials including reformist President Thein Sein.

It would be the first-ever visit to Myanmar by an American president. U.S. officials have not yet announced any plans for a visit, which would come less than two weeks after Obama's election to a second term.

Obama's administration has sought to encourage the recent democratic progress under Thein Sein by easing sanctions applied against Myanmar's previous military regime.

Officials in nearby Thailand and Cambodia have already informally announced plans for visits by Obama that same week. Cambodia is hosting a summit meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and Thailand is a longtime close U.S. ally.

The visit to Myanmar, also known as Burma, would be the culmination of a dramatic turnaround in relations with Washington as the country has shifted from five decades of ruinous military rule and shaken off the pariah status it had earned through its bloody suppression of democracy.

Obama's ending of the long-standing U.S. isolation of Myanmar's generals has played a part in coaxing them into political reforms that have unfolded with surprising speed in the past year. The U.S. has appointed a full ambassador and suspended sanctions to reward Myanmar for political prisoner releases and the election of Nobel laureate Suu Kyi to parliament.

From Myanmar's point of view, the lifting of sanctions is essential for boosting a lagging economy that was hurt not only by sanctions that curbed exports and foreign investment, but also by what had been a protectionist, centralized approach. Thein Sein's government has initiated major economic reforms in addition to political ones.

A procession of senior diplomats and world leaders have traveled to Myanmar, stopping both in the remote, opulent capital city, which was built by the former ruling junta, and at Suu Kyi's dilapidated lakeside villa in the main city of Yangon, where she spent 15 years under house arrest. New Zealand announced Thursday that Prime Minister John Key would visit Myanmar after attending the regional meetings in Cambodia.

The most senior U.S. official to visit was Hillary Rodham Clinton, who last December became the first U.S. secretary of state to travel to Myanmar in 56 years.

The Obama administration regards the political changes in Myanmar as a marquee achievement in its foreign policy, and one that could dilute the influence of China in a country that has a strategic location between South and Southeast Asia, regions of growing economic importance.

But exiled Myanmar activists and human rights groups are likely to criticize an Obama visit as premature, rewarding Thein Sein before his political and economic reforms have truly taken root. The military still dominant and implicated in rights abuses has failed to prevent vicious outbreaks of communal violence in the west of the country that have left scores dead.

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Sonntag, 18. November 2012

VINDICO and VivaKi Grow Strategic Partnership in Multi Year Deal

VivaKi Taps VINDICO’s Leading Video Technology Platform as Preferred Partner New York, NY (PRWEB) November 15, 2012

VINDICO, the first ad management platform for video, announced today the company is expanding its longtime partnership with VivaKi, a division of Publicis Groupe. The multi-year deal allows Publicis Groupe agencies to utilize the full VINDICO product suite for all of their brand advertisers’ digital video ad initiatives.

Since 2010, VINDICO has collaborated with VivaKi after being selected as the preferred video technology partner to power a global, market-wide research initiative, The Pool. Together, VINDICO and VivaKi formed The Rising Tide Co-Op to build a new, choice-based online video ad model, ASq. The model, which is currently in its third year has powered 220 campaigns for 43 clients. This alliance to provide services and technologies, including ad serving, tracking, and market-leading real-time analytics to their clients, is now expanding to include interactive units, targeting and verification. VivaKi agencies can also now take advantage of VINDICO’s demo-verification partnerships with Nielsen and comScore on any digital video campaign.

“Our goal is to help advertisers tell their best story to the right audience anywhere online,” said Matt Timothy, President of VINDICO. “As major TV advertisers increasingly turn to the medium of digital video, it is critical that we provide them with a consistent, effective and trusted way to track their online spend. By working with VivaKi, together we are bringing more transparency to the online video ecosystem.”

“Online video provides tremendous opportunities for storytelling, and brand advertisers see the power it can have in reaching consumers,” added VivaKi’s EVP of Partnerships Sean Kegelman. “VINDICO created the ‘gold standard’ for tracking and analytics in digital video, and they are now helping us get to the next level. Advertisers will benefit from their leadership.”

VINDICO delivers one third of all digital video ads in the United States. The company provides video advertising management solutions to over 200 brands through their leading agency groups such as GroupM, Havas, IPG, Publicis and Omnicom. The VINDICO solution reduces complexity for advertisers by providing an efficient and reliable way to serve video ads across multiple publishers and networks.



VINDICO is the first ad management platform dedicated exclusively to video and sits at the center of the digital video ad eco-system, delivering more than one-third of all digital video ads. VINDICO’s video ad management platform gives brands and agencies a single solution to serve, track and measure all of their digital video ad activity. Since 2006, VINDICO has been the gold standard in digital video platforms and works with top media agencies and their clients. Through continued technology innovation, VINDICO also helps companies increase engagement with interactive video ad units for their customers which boost the results of their investments. For more information, please visit s on Twitter at @vindico_group.

About VivaKi

VivaKi is part of Publicis Groupe, the world’s third largest communications group. VivaKi aggregates the marketplace influence of four autonomous brands, including two global media agency networks: ZenithOptimedia and Starcom MediaVest Group; and two leading digital marketing agencies: Digitas and Razorfish. On behalf of its agency brands and their clients, VivaKi faces the market to help identify and build technology, message distribution, audience aggregation and content solutions for the future. Sitting at the core of VivaKi is the VivaKi Nerve Center, which serves as a think tank, R&D center and testing ground to activate new pathways for clients to connect with consumers in an increasingly digital world. VivaKi also includes a Talent & Transformation Practice, which leverages the scale of the VivaKi brands to develop and deliver tools and approaches designed to attract, develop, train, motivate and reward the world's best people. Serafino (646) 833-0206 Email Information

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Solace Systems Ranks 11th in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Program

Third Consecutive Year of Recognition as One of Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies Ottawa, Ontario (PRWEB) November 14, 2012

Solace Systems has been named one of Canada’s fastest growing technology companies in the 15th annual Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ awards. The Fast 50 program recognizes the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Canada, based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years. Solace’s increase in revenues of 1,512 percent from 2007 to 2011 resulted in a ranking of 11.

“Canadian Fast 50 companies innovate, demonstrate entrepreneurship, create jobs, and invest in R&D,” said Richard Lee, National Leader, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group, Deloitte. “Solace Systems is an example of a company that shows passion, determination and drive that are so important for growth in the technology sector.”

CEO Craig Betts attributes Solace’s 1,512 percent five year growth to the mainstream acceptance of middleware appliances across a wide range of verticals including financial services, energy, government, internet, gaming, telecom and transportation. “Companies are simultaneously facing rapid growth in the amount of information they need to manage, a move to more real time requirements, and globalization of their business processes. We help our customers deal with these challenges while lowering costs by as much as 80%,” said Betts.

The Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ program recognizes leaders in the Canadian technology industry and tracks the successful growth of Canadian-grown global leaders. The program augments the broader Deloitte North American Technology Fast 500™ initiative, with winners automatically eligible for this elite ranking.

To qualify for the Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ ranking, companies must have been in business for at least five years, have revenues of at least $5 million, be headquartered in Canada, own proprietary technology, and conduct research and development activities in Canada. A panel of industry experts evaluates and judge companies based on four key criteria: competitive advantage; size, growth, and market attractiveness; management effectiveness and organization; and financial performance.

About the Deloitte Technology Fast 50™

The Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ program is Canada’s pre-eminent technology awards program. Celebrating business growth, innovation and entrepreneurship, the program features four distinct categories including the Technology Fast 50™ Ranking, Companies-to-Watch Awards (early-stage Canadian tech companies in business less than five years, with the potential to be a future Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM candidate,) Leadership Awards (companies that demonstrate technological leadership in four industry subcategories: hardware/semiconductor, software, telecommunications and emerging technologies) and the Deloitte Technology Green 15™ Awards (Canada’s leading GreenTech companies that promote a more efficient use and re-use of the earth's resources in industrial production and consumption.) Program sponsors include Deloitte, Gowlings, Wellington Financial, TMX Group, HUB International HKMB, National Angel Capital Organization, CVCA, MaRS and IGLOO Software. For further information, visit st50.ca.

About Solace Systems

Solace Systems provides high-performance messaging middleware solutions that let companies efficiently distribute data to desktop, enterprise and mobile applications with higher performance and at lower cost than alternatives. The foundation of Solace’s solution is a turnkey appliance that’s available in two sizes to meet the needs of a wide range of businesses. Solace has been successfully deployed by customers in financial services, government, internet services, telecom, transportation and logistics.

Larry Neumann Solace Systems 613-271-1010 x1067 Email Information

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